Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Day Old Mo

Very exciting news... the breeder from where we got Moses has just been blessed with a new litter of pups. I have yet to go out and visit but as soon as those little poop monsters have their eyes open, I'll be there! Sharron did send me some photo's...fest your eyes

She also sent me some old photo's of Moses when he was a weee one. 

Just so we're clear, we will NOT be getting another...or so I say.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Fa, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La

Hope everyone is is enjoying their holidays...we sure are!

Little Coco

Me and one of my favorite people in the world...triple G aka Great Grandma Gregore

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Take Me Out

The weather has been quite cold here in our sleeping city but that hasn't slowed Moses down one bit. Our walks have been shorter due to the fact that 20 minutes into the hike he begins to lifts his paws with a look of pain in his eyes. Poor guy, poor me...his lack of contact with other dogs and 2 hour walks has left him with no other choice but to find entertainment elsewhere ie the back seat of my car, our bed and shoe rack. Let me explain, I could tell Moses was bord so I thought, why don't we take him for a car ride while we go run our holiday errands. Mind you Mo had always been excellent in the car. When we returned he had completely destroyed the back seat of my car. I was pissed. Mishap number two, we have been letting Mo on the our bed for sometime and again he had always been good...but this time he actually pissed on the bed...again me livid. Mishap number three, he eat our shoes rack...ok not that terrible but still, what in the world happen to my sweet little boy? Truth be told it didn't take me too long to figure out Moses is bord. Now it's my job to find a way to help him burn all this extra energy...any tips?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I need some space

When two people decide to move in together it's always a lot of work...mentally and physically. Faisal finally moved in today and with a crazy snow storm of 35 centimeters, school buss cancellations and our public transit strike...lets just say things didn't go according to plan. Thankfully we did it! and nobody got hurt...but man, was Moses ever in the way.

Poor Fai's, he was trying to put the bed together and Momo kept giving him sloppy kisses..hehe

Moses was hunting for My'lady under the mountain of blankets, they had such a ball playing in the mess

By the xmas tree
great success!
but most of all we LOVE this guy!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Lights on the Hill

Friday night we took the whole family (ok, well not the cat) to Parliament Hill to look at the lights...Eden brought her shades just in case they where too bright, then she put them on Mo!

Momo was so funny...all around the hill there are huge portrait statues...he was going absolutely nutz barking at them all

Eden with the Famous Five
Hellz Yeah!!! If you don't know about them here's you chance to learn

Sunday, December 7, 2008

What Are You Looking At?

These 2 have such a love/hate relationship...one minute their licking one another the next he's got his mouth around her neck (and not in a loving manner!)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Back in Business

It's the first of December and I'm back. Finally broke down and got a new MAC, I really didn't want to out of principle but Fai's convinced me otherwise. Now that I have it I'm in love...Mac's rule and him. In other news Moses is doing amazing, he's in love with the snow. I wasn't sure if it would slow him down. Boy was I wrong...good thing I have my Sorels. Also I'd like to thank all the amazing dog owners that have been trekking out to Brews Pit keeping the trails clean and walkable. Unfortunately I don't have any photos of our walks but I do have a few from our evening at home.

This is his regular pose in the kitchen while I'm cooking dinner ...soo funny.

And for Liz, yes we're very happy with the backpack, Momo hasn't been wearing it all that much as it would get wet in the snow.