Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We Should Be Friends

Why do I not know this guy and why aren't we friends?

A breeder I know sent these beauties my way. I'm happy as hell she did. I'm waiting for more info, all know is that it's one of her full size BT and his name is Chumley...CHUMLEY!!! I luw you xoxo

Crocodile Dundee & Crock

Rocky & Bullwinkle
Miss. Kitty & Marshall Dillion

Jolly Green Giant & Little Green Sprout If anyone know if these rockers have a website, hit me!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Happenin' Dude

Why did they ever stop making these commercials?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bed Rest

Hack, Hack. Who's there? Kennel. Kennel who? Kennel cough you fooPoor Mose, took him to a dog park this past weekend and there was this dog that had kennel cough. Yes siree bob he has it...suckie. We took him to the vet, he's now on meds but he needs to stay well rested of the next 2wks. I see lots of silly video in our near future!

I almost forgot...Moses weight, he's 70 pounds!

Monday, October 11, 2010


everybody loves Lucy

look who I found...ELVIS!!last year we were invited to the annual bullie picnic, unforturnatly i did get my game together and missed for me. upon closer inspection, of one of the photos i found this

they are also of facebook, check them out.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


We've (sorry, I) have been dressing up Mos for the last 2 years. Not sure how in-to-it he is but whatevs...he's SO adorable, right?

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Lucky Taylor Swift got to kiss Bullseye (real name Choxie) the miniature bull terrier mascot for Target. So did a lot of other celebs...

Charlize Theron

Wayne Coyen, dude from Flaming Lips!
Jody Foster
Dustin HoffmanJason Bateman aka Michael Bluthoh my goodness creepy, but i think this is what i want to be for Halloween!i LOVE this video, thx

Bullseye has a facebook, twitter and blog account. crazy.