Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Let's Get Ready To Rumble

We went to our favorite dog park the other day (Bruce's Pit) and met some new friends Bruin, Dexter and Kira . Thx to Laura for the great photos!

Here are some other photo's I took


Jen said...

Hey, I just saw Moses on Dog of the Week! Great photos and write up. I think you should submit the photo of Moses, Fizel (sp?) and your daughter all curled up together and flaked out in front of the TV to the site below. If you don't I will! (I kid... unless you give me permission...)

[Gibson's] Jen


Jen said...

Yeah, I just double checked, your photo is WAY cuter than any human/dog photo on the "interspecies snorgling" link on the left.

Jen again.

I can't believe I'm using the word "snorgling"

PhoDOGraphy said...

Glad you liked the pictures! Here's a link to my Facebook album, if you want to see the bigger versions :)


We haven't seen you and Moses at BP lately, awwww :(