Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sad State

BooHoo my computer died on me 2 days ago and I have lost all my photos and videos...blurg.
When I get the cash to get another I will be back to posting, as I can't up load personal photos on my work computer. In the meantime Moses is doing well, we have started training him to wear a backpack on our am walks. We feel it's important for Momo to have a job, so we load it with a few cans of tuna to give it some weight. Bull terriers were used for ratting, herding and guarding, since there is no place we can go for him to do any of those jobs we figure the backpack is the next best thing.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Toilet Water

Moses appears to have a thing for toilet water. i can see why, it's always fresh & cold...well maybe not always fresh. ya know that saying " if it's yellow let it mellow" ? i typically follow that saying (in my own home of course). things around here are going to have to change.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


A frightful night......

We put some fancy material around Momo's neck to match Eden's outfit...she was a Vampire and he was her bat!

Poor Momo didn't get any treats!